Mission and Purpose
The Baptist Church Mothers serve primarily as a supportive care-taking role for the pastor. They are expected to assist the pastor with various tasks, including ministering to the church’s young congregants, providing representation during church activities and attending to the pastor’s robes.
Church Mothers also prays for the pastor and his family and communicates with the church deacons to ensure that he has everything he needs for the ministry.
Baptist church Mothers are generally mature older women with many years of experience and service in the church. They set an example for younger congregates (especially women) in a number of ways. For example, they may dress in a certain way to demonstrate appropriately conservative Christian attire and also refrain from gossiping and idleness and aspire to Christlike character and actions in all circumstances. Additionally Church Mothers are expected to raise their children to be godly and to act with integrity.
Church Mothers may visit nursing homes and people who are too sick to come to church. They are also responsible for reaching out to church and community youth to provide guidance and love, visit orphanages and women shelters to spread the message of Christ while lending a helping hand.